Keeping your dog safe on their summer staycation

Keeping your dog safe on their summer staycation


What we can do as pet sitters to ensure your dogs have a great staycation while you enjoy your holiday. 


Summer in the U.K. can be hit and miss weather wise as we know. Chilly one day and scorching another. Once the mercury rises social media is full of advice on keeping your dog cool and horror stories of dogs locked in cars. So what do we do to ensure a summer sit is safe for your pooches. 


*Adapting walk routines to avoid the hottest parts of the day. This may sound logical but often as sitters we are given a fixed routine for times of walks. If we are sitting when it’s hot we will let you know we may alter walk times to make sure we are only out at cooler times. We will get up earlier in the morning or walk later in the day to ensure safety.  In circumstances where it’s just too hot to walk at any time of day we will provide stimulation at home in the cool. 


*Keeping cool at home. If hot weather is predicted we will check what you normally do to keep your dog cool. We will check if you have fans or if you use cooling mats. 

In our experience of a St Bernard in a 30degrees heatwave the more we have access to the things you would normally use to keep your dog comfortable the better. Tilly had cooling towels and a fan that she happily sat in front of for hours. 

We also ensure they have shade in the garden and plenty of fresh water. 


*Travel and transport - We use air conditioning in our vehicle and fans into the boot area to circulate cool air keeping the dogs comfortable while we travel to their favourite walks. We have fresh water and bowls available for when they return from their walk as we know it’s important they have a drink before jumping back in the car. 


But it’s not all about the heat


*Out and about - Fields, Beaches and woods can be places where your dog can exposed to bites, stings, ticks and grass seeds. We are pet first aid trained to manage bites and stings and carry a first aid kit. Dogs are always checked after their walks for ticks or grass seeds too. 


*Open water  - Certain breeds often love to cool down with a swim or paddle. Unless you have clearly said you would like your dog to swim they are on leads close to canals, rivers and lakes. 

We are happy to supervise dogs paddling in the sea or at river beaches but only with owners permission.  


Who doesn’t love a summer holiday and whatever the weather in the U.K. we are here to keep your dog safe while you enjoy your much needed holiday. If you would like to find out more about our sitting services please contact us on WhatsApp 07764450182 or complete the enquiry form on our website (address) 

Nicky for Retired & Inspired Sitting Services